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Autor: Charless


Tiempo que demoro hacerlo: 8 Horas

Objetos: 323

Ubicacion: Casino las Venturas













Map en CreateObject:

       CreateObject(2818, 2150.7006835938, 1619.9503173828, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7487792969, 1619.9493408203, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7509765625, 1618.84375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.7932128906, 1618.8503417969, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.7900390625, 1619.9545898438, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.7087402344, 1618.8377685547, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.7216796875, 1617.7333984375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7734375, 1617.7380371094, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8095703125, 1617.7380371094, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8173828125, 1616.6591796875, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7897949219, 1616.6552734375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.7590332031, 1616.6491699219, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7958984375, 1615.5771484375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.822265625, 1615.58203125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8244628906, 1614.5053710938, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7775878906, 1614.4979248047, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.7546386719, 1614.4876708984, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.7512207031, 1615.5643310547, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.765625, 1613.4123535156, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8107910156, 1613.4161376953, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.74609375, 1613.4045410156, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.736328125, 1612.2999267578, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7763671875, 1612.3071289063, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8037109375, 1612.3359375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8076171875, 1611.2392578125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7751464844, 1611.2514648438, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.748046875, 1611.193359375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.7534179688, 1610.1127929688, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.849609375, 1611.2421875, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.888671875, 1611.2490234375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9174804688, 1611.2431640625, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7912597656, 1610.1586914063, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.833984375, 1610.1337890625, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8388671875, 1609.0322265625, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.845703125, 1607.9287109375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8310546875, 1606.8525390625, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2146.8291015625, 1605.7451171875, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7895507813, 1605.7830810547, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.78125, 1606.8876953125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.7983398438, 1607.9956054688, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2148.794921875, 1609.05078125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.734375, 1609.0146484375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.6604003906, 1606.8990478516, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.6896972656, 1607.9930419922, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8698730469, 1607.9348144531, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.9196777344, 1607.9409179688, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9936523438, 1607.9484863281, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2139.0209960938, 1607.9501953125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2139.0766601563, 1606.8435058594, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2141.0397949219, 1606.8470458984, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.9287109375, 1606.8374023438, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8671875, 1606.8388671875, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8491210938, 1605.7550048828, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.9055175781, 1605.7593994141, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9431152344, 1605.7446289063, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2138.978515625, 1605.7338867188, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8806152344, 1609.0217285156, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.9240722656, 1609.0455322266, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9479980469, 1609.0167236328, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8369140625, 1612.3427734375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8486328125, 1613.443359375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.8745117188, 1613.4519042969, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9252929688, 1613.4582519531, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9423828125, 1612.3558349609, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.8793945313, 1612.3442382813, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9365234375, 1614.5373535156, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.931640625, 1615.6413574219, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.8923339844, 1615.6654052734, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.8937988281, 1614.5588378906, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.888671875, 1616.767578125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.8935546875, 1617.8720703125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.8923339844, 1618.9514160156, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.88671875, 1620.0552978516, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9123535156, 1620.0797119141, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9272460938, 1616.7437744141, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9345703125, 1617.8491210938, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.9174804688, 1618.9571533203, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8564453125, 1614.529296875, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8544921875, 1615.6298828125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8525390625, 1616.73046875, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8544921875, 1617.83203125, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8510742188, 1618.9411621094, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8400878906, 1620.0239257813, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2144.8703613281, 1610.1313476563, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2142.9113769531, 1610.1486816406, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2140.94921875, 1610.1301269531, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2139.0043945313, 1609.0139160156, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2138.9829101563, 1610.0897216797, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2138.935546875, 1615.6552734375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2138.9509277344, 1616.7772216797, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2138.9426269531, 1617.8459472656, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2138.9345703125, 1618.9521484375, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2138.9348144531, 1620.0609130859, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2138.9399414063, 1614.5535888672, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2150.7724609375, 1605.8100585938, 999.96875, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(2818, 2152.6804199219, 1606.8902587891, 999.99377441406, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(8169, 2143.203125, 1605.9267578125, 1002.1187744141, 287.50671386719, 87.621459960938, 86.748046875);
CreateObject(8169, 2142.078125, 1609.283203125, 1002.1187744141, 287.50671386719, 87.621459960938, 359.2529296875);
CreateObject(8169, 2145.34765625, 1619.322265625, 1002.1187744141, 287.50671386719, 87.621459960938, 267.4951171875);
CreateObject(8169, 2151.947265625, 1619.3103027344, 1002.1187744141, 287.50671386719, 87.621459960938, 267.50061035156);
CreateObject(8169, 2150.1298828125, 1609.2607421875, 1002.1187744141, 285.75439453125, 87.335815429688, 177.47863769531);
CreateObject(8169, 2141.9541015625, 1616.0609130859, 1002.1187744141, 287.50671386719, 87.621459960938, 358.2529296875);
CreateObject(8169, 2150.1474609375, 1616.0439453125, 1002.1187744141, 285.74890136719, 87.335815429688, 177.47863769531);
CreateObject(14455, 2150.1242675781, 1607.0306396484, 1001.4903564453, 0, 0.5, 89.5);
CreateObject(14455, 2150.1613769531, 1613.6315917969, 1001.4152832031, 0, 0, 90.7470703125);
CreateObject(14747, 2147.13671875, 1590.685546875, 1015.3030395508, 0, 0, 0);
CreateObject(1523, 2147.501953125, 1604.7451171875, 1001.1506958008, 0, 0, 1.2469482421875);
CreateObject(1523, 2147.501953125, 1604.7451171875, 998.67327880859, 0, 0, 1.2469482421875);
CreateObject(18084, 2143.03515625, 1609.306640625, 1002.5451049805, 0, 0, 271.99951171875);
CreateObject(18084, 2142.9443359375, 1616.423828125, 1002.4199829102, 0, 0, 271.99951171875);
CreateObject(14651, 2147.1474609375, 1611.8154296875, 1002.1351318359, 0, 0, 0.2471923828125);
CreateObject(1704, 2143.2392578125, 1606.7763671875, 999.87237548828, 0, 0, 116.49353027344);
CreateObject(16151, 2146.20703125, 1618.4716796875, 1000.3190917969, 0, 0, 90.741577148438);
CreateObject(3921, 2142.53515625, 1612.048828125, 1000.5062255859, 0, 0, 181.494140625);
CreateObject(2640, 2144.736328125, 1606.51171875, 1000.8132324219, 0, 0, 178.74206542969);
CreateObject(1886, 2142.44921875, 1606.2587890625, 1004.3862915039, 19.984130859375, 2.1258544921875, 147.27172851563);
CreateObject(1886, 2149.9558105469, 1606.0321044922, 1004.436340332, 19.984130859375, 2.1258544921875, 241.52172851563);
CreateObject(1959, 2143.884765625, 1617.5078125, 1000.9244995117, 0, 0, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2287, 2144.8615722656, 1606.4195556641, 1002.4344482422, 0, 0, 178);
CreateObject(2267, 2147.5532226563, 1619.2781982422, 1002.5709838867, 0, 0, 0.5);
CreateObject(2266, 2144.220703125, 1618.8093261719, 1002.3994750977, 0, 0, 0.5);
CreateObject(1736, 2142.2536621094, 1612.6341552734, 1003.4487304688, 0, 0, 90);
CreateObject(2099, 2148.97265625, 1619.3092041016, 1000.0246582031, 0, 0, 359.25);
CreateObject(2229, 2142.400390625, 1619.3115234375, 999.92352294922, 0, 0, 16.5);
CreateObject(2817, 2149.1440429688, 1604.8345947266, 1001.1707763672, 0, 270, 271.99938964844);
CreateObject(2817, 2149.1435546875, 1604.833984375, 1003.4475097656, 0, 270, 271.99401855469);
CreateObject(2817, 2149.1435546875, 1604.833984375, 1001.9710693359, 0, 270, 271.99401855469);
CreateObject(2817, 2146.5288085938, 1604.8284912109, 1001.3955078125, 0, 270.50006103516, 271.99389648438);
CreateObject(2817, 2146.5283203125, 1604.828125, 1003.4710693359, 0, 270.49987792969, 271.98852539063);
CreateObject(2817, 2146.529296875, 1604.8531494141, 1002.6953125, 0, 270.49987792969, 271.98852539063);
CreateObject(2817, 2147.7854003906, 1604.8873291016, 1004.8483886719, 270.19076538086, 0.013458251953125, 359.31558227539);
CreateObject(2817, 2147.7888183594, 1604.9113769531, 1005.0235595703, 270.18676757813, 0.010986328125, 359.31335449219);
CreateObject(2817, 2146.6335449219, 1605.8166503906, 1000.4968261719, 0, 270, 177.99322509766);
CreateObject(2817, 2146.6328125, 1605.81640625, 1002.4229736328, 0, 270, 177.99322509766);
CreateObject(2817, 2146.6328125, 1605.81640625, 1003.6241455078, 0, 270, 177.98950195313);
CreateObject(2817, 2150.0544433594, 1604.8704833984, 1000.4475097656, 0, 270, 357.98825073242);
CreateObject(2817, 2150.0537109375, 1604.8701171875, 1002.3981933594, 0, 270, 357.98400878906);
CreateObject(2817, 2150.0537109375, 1604.8701171875, 1004.0238037109, 0, 270, 357.98828125);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.2795410156, 1619.3859863281, 1004.3383178711, 0.49993896484375, 180, 179.75);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.2236328125, 1619.3891601563, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.076171875, 1619.3776855469, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.939453125, 1619.3620605469, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.8916015625, 1619.3608398438, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.9267578125, 1618.3892822266, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.1669921875, 1618.4090576172, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2145.2355957031, 1618.4193115234, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2143.287109375, 1618.4306640625, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2141.4147949219, 1618.4360351563, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.3757324219, 1617.4759521484, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.3452148438, 1617.4743652344, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.265625, 1617.4572753906, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.1826171875, 1617.455078125, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.2421875, 1617.4473876953, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.2421875, 1616.4963378906, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.296875, 1616.4979248047, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2145.3562011719, 1616.6186523438, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2143.3920898438, 1616.6362304688, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2141.5832519531, 1616.6364746094, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2143.6247558594, 1617.5699462891, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.28515625, 1615.708984375, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.2133789063, 1615.7086181641, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.1469726563, 1615.7109375, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.0830078125, 1615.6918945313, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.955078125, 1615.6755371094, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.13671875, 1614.8441162109, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.1857910156, 1614.8415527344, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.2373046875, 1614.8503417969, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.0241699219, 1614.8470458984, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.9245605469, 1614.8461914063, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.8952636719, 1613.8697509766, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.9487304688, 1613.869140625, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.0922851563, 1613.8754882813, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.1840820313, 1613.8876953125, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.3740234375, 1613.884765625, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.35546875, 1612.9338378906, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.349609375, 1611.984375, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.3422851563, 1611.0102539063, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.3359375, 1610.02734375, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.3249511719, 1609.0499267578, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.4047851563, 1608.1015625, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.3999023438, 1607.12109375, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2142.390625, 1606.2202148438, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.26171875, 1606.2255859375, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.2133789063, 1606.2036132813, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.1369628906, 1606.0678710938, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.8842773438, 1605.9868164063, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.892578125, 1607.0395507813, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.8063964844, 1607.01953125, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.3532714844, 1607.1135253906, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.306640625, 1607.1103515625, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.283203125, 1608.0572509766, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.1625976563, 1608.0191650391, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.1457519531, 1608.9057617188, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.2287597656, 1609.0026855469, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.3857421875, 1609.009765625, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.361328125, 1608.0595703125, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.3852539063, 1609.9619140625, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2146.30859375, 1609.9331054688, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.1904296875, 1609.9279785156, 1004.3383178711, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.0056152344, 1609.0346679688, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2143.8681640625, 1610.025390625, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2143.8666992188, 1610.8999023438, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2145.8178710938, 1610.8872070313, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.74609375, 1610.8929443359, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.7705078125, 1611.8430175781, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.8095703125, 1612.7934570313, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2145.8869628906, 1612.3996582031, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2143.9470214844, 1612.4073486328, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2143.8715820313, 1611.6815185547, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2145.8156738281, 1611.6700439453, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.3129882813, 1611.8395996094, 1004.2382202148, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.4204101563, 1612.7751464844, 1004.2632446289, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.6733398438, 1610.8625488281, 1004.2382202148, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.8881835938, 1609.9089355469, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2150.078125, 1608.9576416016, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2149.9677734375, 1607.9881591797, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.2360839844, 1609.4675292969, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2145.9562988281, 1613.1280517578, 1004.2382202148, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2144.1381835938, 1613.1411132813, 1004.2382202148, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.7019042969, 1607.7591552734, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.189453125, 1607.8243408203, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2150.1291503906, 1606.505859375, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2147.1545410156, 1610.7708740234, 1004.313293457, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2148.7155761719, 1610.7105712891, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2847, 2150.0546875, 1606.0642089844, 1004.288269043, 0.4998779296875, 179.99450683594, 179.74731445313);
CreateObject(2640, 2145.8872070313, 1606.5196533203, 1000.8132324219, 0, 0, 178.74755859375);

  • Usuario

Favor de poner el link


no te voy a andar haciendo favores a bo, la cosa es pa ti, no para otras personas.




regalos de droga... xd :suicide_fool-edit:

  • Usuario

no te voy a andar haciendo favores a bo, la cosa es pa ti, no para otras personas.




regalos de droga... xd :suicide_fool-edit:

HAHAHA, yo te hize favores como el anti-spawnkill del tdm de gtachile o lo vas a negar? Ademas no te cuesta nada poner el link aqui. Sr.Que nunca roba creditos.

  • Usuario
Posted (edited)

HAHAHA, yo te hize favores como el anti-spawnkill del tdm de gtachile o lo vas a negar? Ademas no te cuesta nada poner el link aqui. Sr.Que nunca roba creditos.


seh me isiste el anti spawn kill, vieja yo no niego esas cosas siempre estoy muy agradecido y nunca digo BY MACRO o algo por el estilo


aqui va el link de la FUENTE del post del arbol de navidá





el otro no me acuerdo donde esta pero ni cagando lo hiciste bo.


no quiero seguir desvirtuando, solo espero que le saques tu nombre al post.

Edited by MaCrO.-
  • Usuario

seh me isiste el anti spawn kill, vieja yo no niego esas cosas siempre estoy muy agradecido y nunca digo BY MACRO o algo por el estilo


aqui va el link de la FUENTE del post del arbol de navidá





el otro nose donde esta pero ni cagando lo hiciste bo.


no quiero seguir desvirtuando, solo espero que le saques tu nombre al post.


que sabi, si con cuea sabi mapear mta y scripteai tu server weta

tus scripts mas bajados de pawnoscripting contadores de drift toda la cosa hasta yo la encuentro, en tu server y dice creditos: otros...

te cuesta poner el nombre gantzyo? si hize la sala de billar yo puse las horas que me demore, etc...

y no soy como tu que con cuea sabi scriptear algo decente..

el fiesta playera es mucho mejor y el shapu lo ha hecho weno, y tengo que decir que ese server no lo encuentro en ni una parte...

  • Usuario

que wea?

que sabi wn, si con cuea sabi mapear mta y scripteai tu server weta

tus scripts mas bajados de pawnoscripting contadores de drift toda la wea hasta yo la encuentro, en tu wea de server y dice creditos: otros...

te cuesta poner el puto nombre gantzyo? si hize la sala de billar yo puse las horas que me demore, etc...

y no soy como tu que con cuea sabi scriptear algo decente...


jajjajaajajaj vo la cagai weon XD!


a todos les gusta mi server y doy credito poniendo "OTROS" es mejor que poner "AUTOR: CHARLESS" y despues que te pillen y MAS ENCIMA BORRAS ESA PARTE DEL POST...



  • Usuario

jajjajaajajaj vo la cagai weon XD!


a todos les gusta mi server y doy credito poniendo "OTROS" es mejor que poner "AUTOR: CHARLESS" y despues que te pillen y MAS ENCIMA BORRAS ESA PARTE DEL POST...



Quien dijo charless, dije gantzyo o es enfermito?

dime loser no mas total se mucho mas que tu...

ademas apareceria este mensaje ha sido editado por...

PD: No a todos les gusta tu server egocentrico, o si no toda la gente del dive se iria para alla.

  • Usuario

haber que paso aqui? macro si tienes pruebas de haber visto esto en otro lado postealas y si no las tienes por favor callar para evitar este tipos de peleas



si siguen con la weaita se cierra asi de simple

  • Usuario

Quien dijo charless, dije gantzyo o es enfermito?

dime loser no mas total se mucho mas que tu...

ademas apareceria este mensaje ha sido editado por...

PD: No a todos les gusta tu server egocentrico, o si no toda la gente del dive se iria para alla.


en tu post principal pajaro


no me importa ke sepas mas sobre mi si total vo inventai miles de weas por aqui, pareci vieja de la esquina diciendo tanta wea


y lo del server, yo lo ise para el clan y al clan LE ENCANTA no lo ise pa novatos weones como TU


responde la wea ke kerai porke no voy a seguir perdiendo el tiempo contigo, no lo leere

  • Usuario

en tu post principal pajaro


no me importa ke sepas mas sobre mi si total vo inventai miles de weas por aqui, pareci vieja de la esquina diciendo tanta wea


y lo del server, yo lo ise para el clan y al clan LE ENCANTA no lo ise pa novatos weones como TU


responde la wea ke kerai porke no voy a seguir perdiendo el tiempo contigo, no lo leere

no se ya, son necesarios los garabatos?

novato? vamos a ver como eres

haz un fs mas o menos igual al /tdm

a ver como es el super scripter...

otra cosa es que dijiste que a todos les gustaba (todos es plural y plural aqui se significaria todos, todos los miembros,roots, etc, nunca djiste a todos los de tu clan les gusta)

PD: Favor de no desvirtuar mas.

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